Teaching Team

We are a small team of talented professional musicians with a wide range of skills and experience. We love what we do, and we do it with passion. We look forward to working with you and your children.

Greg Vincent BA Music

Head of Piano

Greg regularly performs in a variety of ensembles and is a very popular teacher and accompanist at the music school. He sets high standards but has a very calm and contemporary approach with his students.

To contact Greg, email: harrogatemusicschool@gmail.com

Sam Laverick BA (Hons)

Head of Strings

Sam’s energy, drive, enthusiasm and support for her students is legendary. There’s really no surprise that our string department is flourishing with Sam in charge.

To contact Sam, email: harrogatemusicschool@gmail.com

Other staff photos to follow soon

Many of our teachers visit Harrogate for several nights a week, but if times are not convenient, online tuition via Zoom is an alternative worth considering.

Other staff include Gordon Kilroy BA (Hons), Andy Kemp GDLM PGCE, George Farrar, Stephanie Yaple, Alex Moor, Stef Frazer, Cherie Gears BA (Hons), Natalie Sinnott, Helen Dawson, Dominika Resinska, Jake Whitehouse, Katherine Raven, Tom Jansen & Katie Vedder.

Email us: harrogatemusicschool@gmail.com

Want to work with us?

If you are an enthusiastic and skilled teacher with a passion for music education and ideas of how your skillset might add to ours, please make contact. We’re always interested in trying out new ideas.